The Management of SGENIA INDUSTRIAL, a company dedicated to engineering projects, manufacturing and maintenance of industrial and technical installations, declares that Quality, Nuclear Safety and the Conservation and Protection of the Environment are permanent objectives in all the activities carried out in the organisation.
Likewise, the Management of SGENIA INDUSTRIAL undertakes to establish, implement and keep updated a Quality, Nuclear Safety and Environment Policy, which supports the strategic management, by means of an Integrated Quality, Nuclear Safety and Environment System in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015, UNE-EN ISO 19443:2022 and UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Standards as tools to achieve:
- The greatest satisfaction of our customers by carrying out engineering, manufacturing and maintenance projects for industrial and technical installations, in comply their requirements and expectations,
- Comply with the values relating to health and safety, customer orientation, ethics, innovation, communication, teamwork, sense of belonging and excellence in the execution of the work and services requested of us.
- To ensure the Nuclear Safety of our facilities and of the products and services provided to our clients through the implementation of a system for the identification of those activities and components that are important for nuclear safety.
To this end, the Management of SGENIA INDUSTRIAL considers the nuclear safety culture to be an essential priority, satisfying the legal requirements of the clients through the application of a Quality Management Programme, the main mission of which is to supply products and services in accordance with their demands, advocating a proactive approach guaranteeing the detection and prevention of the introduction of fraudulent or suspicious items in equipment, components, systems and structures relating to nuclear safety.
- Preventing pollution and minimising the environmental impact of our activities, as well as sustainable use of resources. As well as preventing accidents and limiting their consequences for workers and the environment.
- Continuous improvement of the Quality, Nuclear Safety and Environmental Management System, for environmental performance, safety and the performance of our activities. Through:
- The communication of this policy to our organisation’s personnel and external collaborators
- Continuous assessment of risks related to nuclear safety and environmental performance,
- Implementing a continuous training programme and promoting nuclear safety culture,
- Promoting the nuclear safety culture among our staff and collaborators
- Communicating environmental management information to our staff and collaborators
- Promote a safe and healthy workplace, operating in a manner that protects and restores the environment, and integrating environmental sustainability and pollution prevention into planning and decision-making;
- Systematically integrate environmental, safety, health and quality aspects into management and work practices at all levels;
- Comply with the legal, regulatory and normative requirements applicable to our activity and with all the requirements that the organisation subscribes to related to its environmental aspects.
For this purpose, the Management will provide the organisation with the technical, economic and human resources necessary for the achievement of its Policy, which will be reviewed annually in order to verify whether it is appropriate for the fulfilment of the objectives set, for the context and purpose of the organisation and in such a way that continuous improvement may be evidenced.
The Quality, Nuclear Safety and Environment Policy is made public for the personnel working in the company, providing the necessary means for it to be understood, understood and implemented. It is also available to all interested parties.
For the effective application of these principles, the support of both the management team and the entire workforce of the organisation is absolutely necessary.